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Tag: fisica

Meccanica Quantistica

Argomento assai difficile che può essere reso più semplice dalla visione dei seguenti video: Video in inglese molto semplice che può dare un'idea dell'argomento. Qui abbiamo un approccio diverso al tema, un introduzione più "matematica" dell'argomento Per un'introduzione più ampia della Meccanica Quantistica ti consiglio la visione di questa serie di video del canale Random Physiscs su…

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Laser perturbation by directional signals

Michele Zanoni

Laser light perturbation by directional signals

Abstract Similar and coincidental signals at a particular frequency were recorded simultaneously from two or three optical sensors piloted by a laser diode at distances up to hundreds of kilometers. Some of the signal's forms repeat at approximately the same time over the course of a two to three day period. This paper presents and discusses the data collected during a long period of observation (from October 2005 to January 2008). Studying the symmetry of the time series plot, three particular directions of the incoming signals were identified: RA 15h 35m ± 10m, RA 17h 22m ± 40m and RA 23h ± 40m. These three directions (if using only the RA coordinate) point respectively to the Great Attractor zone, to an area close to the center of the Galaxy and to the area opposite to the Virgo Cluster. In order to explain the observed phenomena a few hypotheses have been formulated and inter- preted. It is remarkable that the directions detected in our experiment are in agreement with the estimates quoted in literature. A new possible mecha- nism explaining the laser light fluctuations was finally identified and a naive model based on this mechanism was developed in order to find out not only the AR coordinates of the sources but also their declinations. The results of this analysis confirm the quoted directions. Download completo in PDF: Download PDF

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