Is there an unknown kind of matter in our Universe? ***
If you are interested in a concrete answer to this question then you are invited to read my new paper
Just an experiment ! (coming soon)
In the picture of this post you can see a comparison between two spectrograms of a signal detected at the same time at two different spots at about 150 km distance from each other: the antennae were placed in Guidizzolo (upper diagram) and La Spezia (lower diagram).
A spectrogram is a diagram where colors describe the…
Da piccolo Kirk era esile, molto magro. Mangiava poco. La mamma provava un forte dispiacere nel vederlo così debole. A volte faceva portare fuori la cucina economica con tanto di bombola del gas, dietro casa, davanti alla palude. Voleva far sentire il gracidare delle rane al suo bambino. Sperava che sentendole si sarebbe distratto, tanto da…